Accel Events Auto Create Registration Page

JNF Testing - Automatically Create AE Events

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Event Creation Through Event Template

To automatically create an AE event through an Event Template, make sure that all these fields are filled out:
  • JNF EVENT2 Accelevents (COE Event Name)
  • JNF Event Type
  • Display Name  
      • Name should be ex: Month Date “Event Type” 
October 3 Women for Israel Event, November 15 Chicago Breakfast for Israel, December 28 Philly JNFuture Happy Hour 
  • Names can’t be repeated and MUST be UNIQUE 
  • ***This Display name will be the name of the event Url so when if the name is changed the URL will then be changed *** 
  • Start Date - this should be in MM/DD/YYYY 
  • Start Time - this should be in HH:MM AM/PM (standard time format) 
    • Ex: must be 01:30 PM or 12:30 PM 
*Make sure to put “0” before if the time is a single digit (01-09 for the hour)
  • End Date - this should be in MM/DD/YYYY 
  • End Time - this should be in HH:MM AM/PM ((standard time format)
    • Ex: must be 01:30 PM or 12:30 PM 
  • Timezone – Select the timezone of the specific event
  • Event Format - this is optional, if left blank, the event will default to in-person format.
    • *** This should ALWAYS be IN PERSON 
  • JNF Event Template (Accelevents)
    • This should ALWAYS be the Save the Date Template if ($0 general admission tickets)
    • Accelevents Organizer – will ALWAYS be Jewish National Fund-USA
    • Create Registration Checkbox
    • Click Save
      • Once the create registration checkbox then an event will be created in Accelevents

    Important Notes:


    • If you don’t add any date or time - it will set the event date and time to 1 month after the event creation (please make this a *required field to avoid any errors)
    • If you don’t select an event format - it will make the event in-person format. 
    • If you don’t select a template, it will still create an AE event (please make this a *required field since you said all events should be created through a template)
    • If you don’t select an Organizer, it will still create the SF event, but not the AE event (please make this a *required field if all events created in SF should also be AE events). If not, then they can add the org later.

    How to Make Sure the Event Templates Are Showing in Salesforce?


    When new event templates are created, they should automatically appear in the JNF Event Templates (Accelevents) object.




    For existing event templates (created before this new feature) to appear in the JNF Event Templates (Accelevents) object, edit or rename the event template name and save.




    Registration Page Updates to be made on Accelevents once Auto-creation in SF has been made.

    Go to 


    Items that need to be updated:


    Review event details to make sure the Salesforce Event details are the Same 

                -Display Name





    Update the Date on the Page

                If time is known include that on the page underneath the date (not bold)


    Include location, if possible, with the City, State (bolded)



    Review Event Details Tab




    Update text on the landing page:


    To get to the page on the landing page select the Event Design Tab them select Event Website AND click in the Standard box the Edit Website Box






    Update Ticket Purchase Start and End Dates and how to update the ticket capacity if needed.


    To get to the Ticket Types go to Registration Tab then select Set Up Tickets Tab



    Click the pencil to edit the Ticket Level.