To Load Recognitions

To Load Recognitions
Save Under Raquel/Pat Imports
  1. Using spreadsheet supplied by recognition department convert Incription (Donor VIS Number) to number
  2. Using find id in demand tools load the spreadsheet and use the find recognition contact id scenario
  3. Export the file
  4. If there are records with 0 matches send back Israel recognition department. Incorrect VIS numbers. There are usually not many so they can do these manually.
  5. Concatenate Israel Recognition Sequence Type (ie. AN) and Israel Recognition (no space between)
  6. Using demand tools mass effect add new recognition scenario, load the file.
  7. Using the id save file created by the above mass effect go to demand tools mass effect and use  the load inscription scenario.
Note: the field names may have somewhat changed over the years. (mainly dates). If you see the error that certain things cannot be mapped, keep the error open, find that field in the spreadsheet and rename to what it needs to be. It is easier than trying to figure out what maps to what.
;2014 qualifying amount
Inscription donor vis