Conference # 800-747-5150
7 digit access code # 8793301
Chairperson Passcode# 5187
Download files, extract them, and save them to both of these locations.
\\jnfusers\public\training video\Global Crossing Recordings. Also save a copy to the \\jnfportfolio\videos location. Next...1.Go to \\jnfportfolio\homepage\videos and select either “fundraising”, “Salesforce”, “Microsoft Training”, or the “Management” folder, depending on what the videos content is. Those are our categories on the website as of now.
2.Once you’ve extracted the video into the appropriate folder go to \\jnfportfolio\homepage\other and right click “train link”. Use a program such as notepad ++ and open it that way.
3. Edit text. 4.Copy and paste the highlighted section (Refer to the documentation provided at the top of this knowledge base article) to create a new entry and change/edit the fields required. You will see two areas with the title "Calendaring" that need to be changed, as well as the part right before /index.htm. This will be changed to the extracted folders name. (Again see the documentation provided) 5. Hit Save. Might need to clear the cache for changes to apply. 6. To change the Icon logo you would go to \\jnfportfolio and open quicktabs with note ++ and change the fields just as you did with the video. Just point to the location where the image is saved.
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